Variable Frequency Drive Pumps

- A VFD may be used for control of process temperature, pressure, or flow without the use of a separate controller. Suitable sensors and electronics are used to interface the driven equipment with the VFD.
- Lower maintenance costs, as lower operating speeds result in longer life for bearings and motors.
- The motor does not require a starter.
- The ability of a VFD to limit torque to a user-selected level protects driven equipment that cannot tolerate excessive torque.
- Users can utilize multi-motor applications, such as pumps or fans, with one control unit.

3 Reasons For Using A VFD
- Possible financial rebate incentives from your energy provider.
- Improved efficiency of motor-driven equipment by matching speed to changing load requirements, allowing accurate and continuous process control over a wide range of speeds.
- VFDs provide the benefits of network communications, a user-friendly interface, easy auto-tuning and programming, and ease of installation.